• 0039 0185 286531
  • Hotel Annabella - Via Costasecca 10/1 - 16038 Santa Margherita Ligura (GE) - Italia

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

My flight arrives early in the morning, what time can I check in?

Check-in is only available from 11.30 to 20.00.

Is breakfast included in the price for all rooms?

Breakfast service is not provided in our property, however rooms are equipped with coffee machine with the necessary hails without surcharge.

Is there a baby sitting service?

The baby sitting service is provided by asking for it a week in advance, the cost is 50 euros per day.

Is it possible to have a shuttle from the airport in case of late night arrivals?

Shuttle service to and from the airport is available with reservations at least two days in advance, and at a cost of 2 euros per km.